Video Links

Videos By Unit

There are four different authors with plenty of redundancy of content in these videos. It can be hard to decide which video to watch.

The Lecture videos by Stuart Reges are pretty much comprehensive. The other videos target fewer concepts. You don't have to watch them all. Pick the topic you are interested in or need a little extra help with, or the one that Mr. Stride assigned to you.

Unit 1 - Intro to Java

Unit 2 - Primitive Data & Definitive Loops

Unit 3 - Parameters

Unit 4 - Conditional Execution

Unit 5 - Programming Logic & Loops

Unit 6 - File Processing

Unit 7 - Arrays

Unit 10 - Array List

Unit 11 - Searching & Sorting

Unit 12 - Recursion


UW CSE 142 - Stuart Reges - Spring 2020 Playlist

  • These fabulous lectures focus on understanding the fundamental principles through coding examples in jGrasp.

  • These are the longest but most comprehensive videos and are highly recommended!

  • Usually the first 5 minutes is specific to the UW students and can be skipped.

Mr. Stride's YouTube Channel

  • These videos attempt to cover material not covered in the other video presentations that is important for the AP Exam and NCHS assessments (quizzes/exams).

  • These may help with homework assignments specific to NCHS.

Mr. Mulvaney's YouTube Channel

  • These videos usually instruct the student through coding examples in BlueJ.

  • They are usually pretty short and target a single concept at time.

Building Java Programs Videos

  • These are usually focused on solving some specific problem and walk the user through the solution in jGrasp. They are shorter than Stuart Reges' lectures (but may be delivered by Stuart).

College Board Videos

YouTube Playlist here (not in the best order)

Latest Unit-by-Unit Videos (Requires AP College Board account & Join Code)